Small Cap Growth P/Es Relative to Value
Despite all the economic uncertainties, dizzying headlines, and volatilities, the stock market has held up surprisingly well. The overall market, as measured by S&P 500, is 7.1% above its previous record high (Sept, 2018). In a strong market, value investors tend to see fewer opportunities due to higher valuations. However, we haven’t observed a dwindling […]
How Socially Conscious are ESG Funds?
The concept of socially conscious investing, known as ESG (for Environmental, Social, and Governance investment criteria) has been around a long time but has picked up steam in recent years. One of your portfolio managers did his senior project in college under the guidance of one of the early professors in the ESG area, who […]
The Active Advantage
We operate in an area of the market much better suited to active management. There are far more companies to sort through and much less information is readily available. We are true active investors performing in-depth research from the bottom up. Each position is owned because we believe it offers superior upside potential, often coupled […]